Dec 27, 2014

Knock Knock!

I made my first purchase for my tiny house! I found this charming door on Craig's List, and could picture it as the perfect door for my home. And the price was perfect, only $35!

I want my home to be composed of mix matched pieces with lots of character. I've been searching local sites for reclaimed wood or stained glass when I found this gem. Getting it though was an adventure. Despite growing up in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, the second I cross a river I will get lost (even with a gps). Thankfully the seller was extremely nice and eventually just met me where I ended up! I learned the man had a new puppy and I instantly switched into work mode offering him low cost veterinary options. And what a small world, he worked on the roof of the shelter! So that was the cherry on my first tiny house investment.

Down the road, I'm going to replace the mail slot. The current one is sealed shut and there isn't any hardware on the opening on the back. Definitely will have to strip the door, but I can't decide if I want to just stain the wood or go for a fun pop of color.